Saturday, May 28, 2011


Instructing Learners to use YouTube and FaceBook for Discussion 

The Realistic and Innovative Learning Scenario (RILS) detailed below explores how an educator, presenter, student learner can utilize YouTube as a channel for a vehicle for a online classroom. The social aspect of Facebook can be utilized for invitations as well direct link posts to the YouTube channel.  The documentary video shows how the user can create a channel on YouTube and publish to the YouTube population and thereby embedding links into Facebook to encourage more viewers and discussion on videos posted to the channel.

Target Audience
 – Educators, acupuncture students, presenters, patients, and medical professionals.

Materials – In order to successfully complete my RILS users will need:
- computer
- live discussion group
- internet connection
- video camera
- iMovie or video editing software

Objectives – At the end of this instructional session learners should be able to:
-Analyze different ways to use channels on YouTube by creating keywords and connectors for users to add comments and create their own channels.
- Design their own presence using YouTube channels, by customizing and relating their channel to learning and co-creation.
- Create their own invitations to view videos, share links to relevant information, and effectively promote discussion through a community style forum.

Procedure –
1. Create an account on YouTube and FaceBook.
2. Follow steps in creation of YouTube Channel, tags by relevant keywords.
3. Invite at least 10 target audience members to a relevant discussion on video archive.
4. Review and Respond to messages received.

Web 2.0 Tool – channels and FaceBook Invitation
YouTube is a way to get videos out to the open market. By using YouTube you can create your own person channel to promote ideas and discussion.

Social Participation/Social Learning 
YouTube can track how many times the video was viewed as well as comment "like" or  "dislike" and comments can be added in the form field below the video. Discussion is in an open format for all users to participate. FaceBook can be used to invite users to view and discuss on the topic video. The user will be able to respond to one another within the target audience. Participation is not guaranteed but encouraged.

Making Connections – Engaging all learners by having a video for viewing on your own time, while opening up a forum for further discussion on any particular subject matter. Since FaceBook is an extended invitation to the initial video post, YouTube will hold the stage for any user to access the learning environment.

Create/Produce – By the end of this learning scenario my target audience will be able to create a user account, channel, and upload a video on YouTube. The target audience will also have created a presence on FaceBook to interact and produce engaging messages and invites regarding the video implemented on their YouTube channel.

Assessment – 

  1. User will successfully create an account on both YouTube and FaceBook.
  2. User will successfully create a channel on YouTube.
  3. User will upload a video to their channel on YouTube.
  4. User will successfully generate an invitation on FaceBook, User will enter Emails of users they would like to participate will be entered in the "To:" field.
  5. User will click on "share" video and embed the link in the FaceBook invitation.
  6. User will initiate at least one discussion through the FaceBook invitation and the YouTube Channel. 
  7. User will know if their Channel is being viewed by the number of viewers stated on YouTube. The response and discussion can be collected and responded to and from both YouTube and FaceBook interaction. 
  8. If the user experiences no discussion but has viewer-ship an assessment whether which avenue is more desirable depends on the user and the purpose of their channel. 
  9. If the user experiences discussion or "like" versus "dislike", then the channel is a success.

Reflection – The reflection process will be observed through their comments on FaceBook and the YouTube Elemental Learning Channel as well. Once the challenge has been posted the day after the initial learning experience my target audience will be asked to make a quick post to their account to show the most important thing they learned through the RILS experience. I will reflect on my own RILS experience through personal interviews conducted and observation of my target audiences posts.

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany,
    I really like that you mapped out exactly how to complete something like this. I struggled with how to fully explain my RILS until Rena added her feedback. It made more sense to me to make it sort of a "lesson plan". Your RILS is something that I could see myself duplicating in my own classroom. I love that you added the social media aspect of it-- on youtube, so often we just watch and don't interact. Great job!
